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How Aneel Murarka Philanthropist Impacts Social Change?

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Aneel Murarka Philanthropist

Every nation faces one or the other socioeconomic issues which greatly impacts the well being of the citizens. Philanthropy means taking private initiatives for the welfare of the public. Often regarded as the love for humanity, a philanthropist takes all possible care to ensure quality life to the society. Well, one should not confuse it with charity.

On one hand, the charity focuses on eliminating those sufferings of the people which is caused to them due to societal problems. On the other hand, philanthropy focuses on removing the roots of social issues. Even, Aneel Murarka philanthropist possesses a great love for mankind and work for its welfare.

Role of philanthropist in retaining humanity

Let’s take a very common example. Offering food to the famine-stricken person is a charity but it would pacify him for a short period and he would be hungry again. On the other hand, teaching the person to grow food is what called Aneel Murarka philanthropy. It would not just eliminate the hunger of the person but would also remove the root cause of famine.

The art of philanthropist is not new. Since ancient times, there are several examples to see which focuses on eliminating the root causes of society thereby bringing welfare to the people of all sectors. The work of a philanthropist might either stick to an organisation or a nation as a whole. Though there might be hidden intension of a person as they may want to gain prestige, it improves the quality of life of the citizens.

With time, there are several changes in the subtleties of philanthropy but it has never harnessed the social welfare. It brings impressive changes in society. Many people work for charity but there is hardly anyone who is dedicated to bringing massive change.

Societal problems are very complex and are pretty hard to eliminate it. Consequently, the solutions to sort out such issues are also very complicated and it requires utmost patience which a person should have. Take an initiative and work for the betterment of the people and let society appreciate you for your impressive step.