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Why The Use Of Silica Based Concrete Additives Is A Must-Have For Modern Constructions

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Silica Based Concrete Additives

Modern construction most certainly makes use of concrete, it would be quite impossible to achieve the durability and strength without using concrete. Not only concrete helps in holding the structure for years to come but also adds to the overall robustness. One of the most important things that are used by engineers during the construction of buildings and structures is to make use of silica based concrete additives. Not only does it add an additional resilience to the structures but these additives help in increasing the overall attributes of concrete.
The most commonly used material these days during construction is heavy concrete. Not only is the most popular choice in terms of commercial material but it has a number of attributes which make it the top most choice by an engineer for that matter. Most of the time the longevity and durability of any structure or building is under threat due to the water which runs underground. This water seeps into the structures causing corrosion over time. This results in a decrease of the structural properties eventually leading to its degradation.

Recent studies have shown that it is mostly in the subterranean countries that we get to see a constant problem with water proofing. This is the reason why silica based concrete additives are used which helps in waterproofing the building.
Reasons To Use Silica Based Concrete Additives

When waterproofing is done, most of the time the technique that is used is wrong, which is why engineers should always make sure to implement the correct method along with the best materials to get the best results. In order to reduce the risk of any type of problem, it is quite crucial to make the right decisions before waterproofing any structure.

There are many benefits of using concrete additives:

1. Additives help in providing an extra layer of protection to the buildings thereby giving it a shield from any penetrating water that can cause damage and corrosion to the structure of the building.
2. Since the underground parts of the building remains protected therefore, they do not get wet due to seepage of water.
3. The maintenance of underground parts of the buildings becomes quite easier as a matter of fact.

Silica based additives mainly comprise of micro-silica which helps in contributing to the durability and strength of the overall building structures. It is also an effective pozzolan which means that it helps in a homogenous distribution of the hydration products.