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Why do Government Asked for Vehicle Tracking System in India?

· Technology

Tracking is a modern technology which is used in automobile industry, energy and health sectors. It is also used for security purposes. In Industries it is used to track the fault happened in the system.  When it comes to automobile industry, the technology has another face. Indian government mandated the use of the technology o school buses for the children’s security purposes. 

Modern vehicle tracking system in India uses GPS technology to locate the public transport. Several type of tracking system is available. With GPS and without GPS technology is the most common device available in India. Passive and active devices are used to monitor. The passive device is not incorporated with GPS tracking technology. So the data can be collected only when the vehicle returned back. But, in the case of active device the GPS technology enables the device to send the information at any time. You can access the data whenever you are required. Both the devices are used collect the data on routing, traffic and drivers behaviour. 

In India, most of the devices are incorporated with both the technology. In case of any failure in the satellite or communication system, you can access the data once the vehicle returned. The GPS tracking system tracking Unit, tracking server, and user interface. 

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Vehicle Tracking System in India | Image Resource:

Uses of Vehicle Tracking system in India

The GPS technology has wide applications in various sectors. 

  • It is commonly used in fleet management. 
  • It is also being used for theft prevention, monitoring, and retrieval of equipment. Police can locate the stolen vehicle by following the signals emitted from the device. 
  • Asset Tracking – companies use the technology to track valuable assets for insurance or other monitoring purposes. 
  • Field service management – this technology can be used for the field service staff in case of any emergency. If you are stuck in the middle of the journey, then you can connect with the field staff.  
  • Surveillance – a tracker may be placed on a vehicle to locate its movement
  • Fuel monitoring
  • Distance calculation
  • Transit tracking
  • Reports route deviation 

It sends an alert when the vehicle crosses the speed limit. Vehicle Tracking System in India force you to set a speed limit according to prescribed guidelines. Many tracking systems are available in India. Several type of tracking devices is available. You have to select the device with the best tracking features. Vehicle tracking systems are widely used across countries with GPS technologies with several integrated security systems.