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The Choice Of A Dry Lubricant For An Equipment

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Dry Lubricant

Lubrication is an important facet for any industry operating machines. Most companies cast a blind eye when it comes to choice of right dry lubricants or a lubrication strategy for their business. Before you are planning to choose lubricants for your business there are a few questions that you need to answer. An example is the environment cold, or dry. The frequency of machines be lubricated being important. The answer to all these questions enables you to arrive at the right lubricant decision.

Dry Lubricants and their functions

The oil that you use to lubricate your machines performs a series of functions.  Reduction of heat generation or trimming down the impact of friction is not the only functions that a lubricant performs. On using the right type of oil for your equipment, not only it reduces corrosive and mechanical wear, the surface is protected from corrosive elements. Another function of lubricants is to transport contaminants to filters and separators.

It is necessary to have an idea on the challenges confronting an application as then you may alter your dry lubricants strategy accordingly.  Exposure to high temperature, a corrosive environment and high pressure would be a few options. Hence it is better to choose lubricants that align with the need of your application.

The composition of lubricants

Numerous activities are necessary to develop a lubricant. A lubricant manufacturer would add various base oil to develop a wide range of lubricants. The use of these additives would customize he oils along with greases and how they will be used.

When the original life span of a lubricant is over you need to replace it. As part of the maintainenace strategy procedures need to be in place in dealing with lubrication wear and tear. To have an idea about the life span of your lubricants figure out their temperature first. A rise in temperature may go on to reduce the life space of a lubricant.

In most of the cases it would be better if you opt for lower costs. Using inferior lubricants would be creating problems.